
D: My perfect kitty! AND NATHAN SAYS NO. BOO HIM. BOO!
I'd rename her Saffron -_-


On another note, I'm so TIRED of this constant cold weather.
What the hell happened to the promise of 50+ temperature for today?
Oh, I know! They forgot to tell you about the flipping windchill!
DDD: I was going to play with my pony today too, but I'm so tired of dressing like a Esikimo.
I WANT SPRING. I like tornados better then cold!

It's only $35 for the kitty ._. BOO.

Okay, I'll admit. I absolutly SUCK at blogging.
For example, this one had been around since... September 2007?
Oh, I posted four times in it, and then... well yeah.


Lame. I just simply forget >.>

So I guess... Now that I'm required to post for a GRADE I have to remember.

Which is like HAHAHAHA.phail.
With a ph! nerher. I think I'm funny D:

Hum. humhumhum. Well.

I have a horse! And it needs training!
And that's ~*~all~*~ I'm gonna tell. Whoot. STAY TUNED.
